SEND Offer at Lyneham Primary School
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
Like all schools, we are required to publish details of how we support pupils with special educational needs and/or a disability to compliment the Wiltshire LA Local Offer.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report
About Lyneham Primary school
In November 2024, Lyneham Primary School had 327 Children on roll.
22% of children at school were designated as having some form of Special Educational Need or Disability (National State-funded Primary Schools 2023/2024: 17.1%). A further 0.92% of children are being monitored for having possible Special Educational Needs. This can be broken down as follows:
21.3% of children within the Foundation Stage and Key stage 1
(Years R, 1 and 2)
22% of children within Key stage 2
(Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
This includes 7.95% of children across the school who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) (National State-funded Primary Schools 2024: 3.0%).
In July 2019, the school achieved the Inclusion Quality Award Mark and in July 2022, has become a Dyslexia Friendly School (the British Dyslexia Association’s nationally recognised quality mark). Further information regarding our school protocols for supporting pupils with a dyslexic profile can be found on our school website and at Appendix 2 of our SEN policy.
- What kinds of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) does Lyneham Primary School provide for?
Our school is an inclusive school where every child matters; we aim to address children’s needs and support their development in the most appropriate way possible and celebrate effort as much as achievement. Our school’s SEND policy document is available on the school website, detailing our philosophy in relation to SEND.
We also have a Resource Base which caters for pupils with Communication and Interaction needs, all of whom have an EHCP.
Additional to and/or different provision is currently being made in school for children with a range of needs, including:
- Cognition and Learning – Moderate learning difficulties; Specific learning difficulties - dyslexia, dyspraxia, Prader-Willi Syndrome.
- Sensory, Medical and Physical – visual impairment, hearing impairment, sensory processing difficulties, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy.
- Communication and Interaction – Autistic Spectrum Condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, speech and language difficulties.
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health – anxiety, low self-esteem, anger, oppositional defiant disorder.
- What are our policies with regard to the identification and assessment of children with SEN?
Children are identified as having SEND through a variety of ways.
- Work scrutiny by teaching staff and leaders – where children’s books are looked at regularly to see how a child is progressing and whether or not they are meeting the expectations of the National Curriculum and work set by the teacher. Discussions also take place at Pupil Inclusion Meetings between class teachers, the SENCo and other members of the Senior Leadership Team e.g. the Inclusion Lead, the assessment leader, English/ Maths leaders and Headteacher.
- Observations by teaching staff in class and around school. Changes of behaviour may be identified which may indicate a need.
- Standardised assessments where children are assessed against set criteria in a test format and compared with children who are the same age.
- Standardised assessments completed in a 1:1 situation with the SENCo or other trained member of staff.
- Use of the Wiltshire Graduated Response to SEND Support (GRSS) Document used in all Wiltshire Schools which has criteria against which a child can be assessed in different areas of need:
-Communication and Interaction
-Social emotional and mental health
-Cognition and Learning
-Sensory and Physical
- Checklists may be completed with the class teacher and parents to identify a child’s strengths and difficulties profile and to help plan ways to support them based on their needs.
- See Annex 2 of the SEND Policy which gives an explanation of our protocol of identification and assessment of pupils with dyslexia.
- Parent voice is listened to. Parents are a child’s first and most enduring educators and when they raise concerns about their child’s development and/or learning needs, this is taken seriously. Children’s behaviour can present differently in the home and school environment so it is important that a holistic view of the child is taken.
Using the Graduated Response to SEN, all pupils receive inclusive (differentiated, scaffolded or adapted) Quality First Teaching referred to as Wave 1 provision. Through the methods of identifying SEN stated above, if a child is thought to require additional ‘catch up to keep up’ (Wave 2 Support) this will be decided upon by the class teacher through their assessment (AfL) and recorded on the class provision map/ AfL grid. This describes the Academic Aspirations in areas of need which a child will work towards. The class provision map identifies that a child requires support in order to catch up or keep up and progress of these pupils is evaluated by the class teacher and core subject leaders. Children who are targeted on class provision maps may receive additional support through personalised ‘academic aspirations’, differentiated tasks, booster group or 1:1 support from the class teacher or teaching assistant.
If after this support is put into place a child continues to encounter difficulties then advice may be sought from the SENCo and/or an outside agency. Any recommendations and/or diagnosis made will be recorded on a Pupil Passport. At this point, the pupil will be recorded on the school’s SEN register as they receive SEN Support. Pupil voice is important in this process and the pupil is consulted on what works for them and what their aspirations are. Additional Wave 3 interventions that are ‘additional to and different from’ in class learning are tracked and monitored by the SENCo on the Wave 3 provision map.
A My Support Plan may be formulated in liaison with the class teacher, parents, SENCo and any outside agencies. A My Support Plan is non-statutory but is an especially helpful document if there are a number of different agencies involved for a pupil as all important information about the pupil is recorded in one place. A My Support Plan is reviewed every 4-5 months and is used as the basis for an application for an Education Health Care plan (previously known as a Statement).
Our school’s Assessment Policy (which is available in school and on the school website) outlines the range of assessments regularly used throughout the school. Additional and different assessment tools may be required when children are making less than expected progress, which can be characterised by progress which:
- Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline.
- Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress.
- Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers.
- Widens the attainment gap.
Progress in areas other than attainment is also considered e.g. where a child needs to make additional progress with social needs in order to be fully integrated into school life or make a successful transition to secondary school. If behaviour is causing concern, a graduated response to support will be planned for with input from parents and the pupil (if appropriate) with small step personalised targets to focus on. See Behaviour Policy for further details of stage 1, 2 and 3 plans.
Parents are always informed if school staff consider that their child may have an additional need and parents and children (as appropriate depending upon age and capability) are involved in the planning to meet the need. We often recommend initially that eyesight and hearing are checked to discount these aspects as possible underlying causes of learning issues.
At Lyneham a range of specific, more specialised tests may be used to assist in the identification of a child’s needs in order to plan targeted programmes for them and to use as a benchmark for measuring the impact of subsequent interventions.
To obtain further understanding of a child’s learning difficulties, we may use:
- Salford Sentence Reading and Comprehension Test
- The Single Word Spelling Test (SWST)
- Phonological Assessment Battery (PhAB)
- York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC)
- Wiltshire Early Screening for Dyslexia (Wesford)
- Sandwell Early Numeracy Test
- British Picture Vocabulary Scale (receptive vocabulary)
- Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH)
- TAPS-4 A Language Processing Skills Assessment
Other specialised assessments which may be used in school to identify barriers to learning include:
- Social, emotional, behavioural checklists – e.g. Boxall Profile, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
- ELSA Network Assessments.
- Observation schedules e.g. for behaviour, concentration, attention.
- The movement abc checklist, assessment of gross and fine motor skills.
- Sensory profiles.
- What are the arrangements for consulting and involving parents of children with SEN?
Throughout the year there are 2 Parents’ Evenings, two mid-year reports and there is an end of year annual report to parents. Parents are invited to discuss their child’s Academic Aspirations during these meetings and may request to meet with class teachers as and when concerns arise. The SENCo is easily contactable via the school office/telephone/email and will endeavour to speak to parents regarding any concerns either by phone, email or meeting in person. The SENCo is also available for consultation during Parents’ Evening at the request of teachers or parents.
Parents may be invited into school to discuss their child’s progress at any time and additional meetings are set up as required or as requested by parents to discuss particular aspects of a child’s SEN; we particularly welcome information from parents about how their child learns best in order that it can be shared with those people who teach the child.
Progress and outcomes of assessments by other external agencies may also be discussed with parents at consultation meetings (e.g. with the speech and language therapist or with specialist support teachers from the Specialist SEN Service). Copies of any reports are always shared with parents.
The progress of children holding an EHCP is discussed at their annual review (interim reviews may also be called as necessary). At Year 5 annual reviews, transition to secondary school is considered with discussion involving parents and the Local Authority. At Year 6 annual reviews the SENCo of the receiving secondary school is invited to attend.
Parental survey forms are used at annual reviews and throughout the year to obtain parents’ views about their child’s SEN, support in place to address needs and any modifications to this support which parents feel may be appropriate.
- What are the arrangements for consulting and involving children with SEN in their education?
Children with SEND are represented in proportion to their numbers in the school on our School Council. All pupils are taught to self-assess and reflect on their personal academic aspirations. Child survey forms are used at annual reviews and throughout the year to obtain children’s views about their learning, what helps them and what they would like to improve on. Pupil voice is strong in the SEN Pupil Passports and pupil voice is sought during the SEND monitoring process carried out by the SENCo throughout the year.
- What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils’ progress?
- a) How do we evaluate the effectiveness of provision for children with SEN?
- Use of a whole school Wave 3 provision map to collate and evaluate the progress of pupils accessing interventions that are additional to in class support. Teachers and core area leaders evaluate Wave 1 and 2 provision on class planning, learning walks and Wave 2/ AfL grids at pupil progress meetings and report to governors on outcomes.
- Class teachers use their class provision map/AfL grids to support assessment and feedback processes.
- Evaluation of Outcomes with parents and children through the annual review process.
- Use of standardised assessment data/progress rates, pre- and post- interventions.
- SENCo analysis of attainment and progress data for children with SEN across the school at least 3 times per year.
- SEN pupils making insufficient progress are raised by the SENCo with class teachers and plans to improve progress are made.
- Use of pupil/parents interviews/questionnaires.
- b) What are our arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of children with SEN?
- Our school’s Assessment and Feedback Policy (available in school) outlines the range of assessments regularly used throughout the school.
- Evaluation of interventions at least 3x yearly based on the assess-plan-do-review model. Mid-point checks take place where appropriate.
- Tracking of pupil progress in terms of teacher assessment-daily through AfL grids and some standardised tests e.g. Salford Reading Ages, Sandwell Maths– 3x yearly.
- Progress of children with speech and language needs is assessed and reviewed using the traffic lights monitoring sheet if they have SALT targets set by a therapist. The WellComm assessment system is used for those without.
- Progress of some pupils may be assessed using the B-squared assessment tool.
- What are the arrangements for supporting pupils moving between phases of education?
Visits to pre-schools and nurseries are made by Early Years staff (and SENCo if appropriate) before pupils begin in Reception class and information is obtained from Early Years providers. Parents visit the school with their children and support their child`s gradual start into school. Early Years staff carry out 1:1 parent meetings during the first two weeks of term.
In school, there are meetings between teachers before pupils move to different classes and information is passed on. Parents meet the new teachers and children spend introductory time with their new teachers. Pupils with SEND may make additional visits and do more work around the transition which may include taking photographs and getting used to a new environment to reduce anxiety. SEN Pupil Passports are shared with new members of staff in advance of the move to their new class.
When a child with SEND moves up to Secondary School, they are given additional visits, if appropriate. The SENCo also links with the SENCo at the receiving school to share information. SEN pupils transferring in/out of Lyneham Primary at a time other than Reception or Year 6 will be supported by our transition co-ordinator Mrs Rachael Smith who works through some ‘Moving On’ resources or ‘Arriving in Lyneham’ resources (as appropriate). This helps to support pupil’s emotional health and well-being with talking about possible anxieties and also finding closure that comes with moving on. Mrs Smith arranges for parents of pupils with SEN to meet Mrs Golder (SENCo) prior to their first official day in order to get a clear picture of their additional needs.
Links with other schools and arrangements for transition between schools
When a pupil joins Lyneham Primary School from another school, all records are requested from the sending school. If the pupil was identified as having SEND at the previous school then the admin team contacts the school directly to seek further information. This information will then be shared with the relevant staff.
It is the SENCO’s responsibility to ensure that the records of any pupil on the SEND register are passed on to a receiving school. For pupils with statements/ EHC plans, the SENCO is responsible for transition arrangements, ensuring that receiving school staff get all relevant information. Where possible, the receiving SENCO will attend the last annual review before transition. Pupils with SEND often have extra visits to secondary school before official transition visits. Meetings will usually take place with parents/carers of pupils for targeted pupils or those with statements/ EHC plans before the pupil moves into the school.
- What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEN?
‘All teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs or disabilities’ (SEN Code of Practice 2015).
- Teaching such pupils is, therefore, a whole school responsibility requiring a whole-school response.
- Quality First Teaching is the benchmark for every lesson.
- The majority of pupils will learn and progress within the normal curriculum.
- Teachers are expected to deliver the National Curriculum programmes of study in ways that meet the particular learning requirements of their pupils.
We aim to unlock potential and remove barriers to learning. We work in partnership with all of our families and external agencies where appropriate to make high aspirations a reality for every child, taking specific action to create effective learning environments, secure children’s motivation and concentration, provide equality of opportunity, use appropriate assessments and set suitable academic aspirations for learning.
Provision for children with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole. In addition, the Governing Body, Head teacher, SENCo and all staff members have important day-to -day responsibilities. All teachers are teachers of children with SEND and all leaders are leaders of children with SEND.
A continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessing is firmly embedded, which takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes and interests of our children; the majority of our children will learn and progress within these arrangements, children with SEND will receive support that is additional to or different from the provision made for other children. All our teachers take account of a child’s SEN in planning and assessment; they provide appropriate support for communication,
language and literacy needs; they plan where necessary to develop children’s understanding through the use of all available senses and experience; they plan to enable children to take full part in learning, physical and practical activities; they help children to manage their behaviour in order to take part in learning effectively and safely; they help children to manage their emotions in order to take part in learning effectively.
At Lyneham, we aim to identify children with particular needs as early as possible; assessment of need may include observation of children’s social skills and learning experiences in all curriculum areas, specific assessment by the school’s SENCo, teacher assessment and use of assessments which will enable peer group comparisons to be made. In completing assessments to consider the whole child, we acknowledge that gifted children often require additional resourcing to extend and fully develop their potential.
We acknowledge that not all children with disabilities necessarily have special educational needs. All our teachers take action however, to ensure that children with disabilities are able to participate as fully as possible in the National Curriculum and statutory assessment arrangements. Teachers plan enough time for the satisfactory completion of tasks; plan opportunities where required for the development of skills in practical aspects of the curriculum; identify aspects of programmes of study and attainment targets that may present specific difficulties for children with disabilities.
- How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment?
The curriculum is scaffolded and differentiated to meet the needs of all of our children. Differentiation may occur by grouping (e.g. small group, 1:1, ability, peer partners); content of the lesson; pace of the lesson; provision of alternative recording methods (e.g. scribing, use of ICT, thinking maps, picture prompts etc.); outcomes expected from individual children; materials used; support level provided; provision of alternative location for completion of work.
The school always acts upon advice received from external agencies (e.g. enlarging of print for VI children; most advantageous positioning of HI children within the classroom and use of aids as recommended; use of laptops for children with recording needs; use of coloured overlays, use of brain breaks, sensory cushions, weighted blankets for children with sensory sensitivities).
We endeavour to ensure that all classrooms are dyslexia friendly including use of labelled resources, clear learning walls to prevent overloading working memory, prompt mats, knowledge organisers, buff coloured interactive boards, individual resources e.g. number lines, 100 squares, phonic prompts, alternative means of recording, writing frames, modelled and shared writing opportunities.
We endeavour to ensure that classrooms are ASD friendly including use of visual timetables, personalised timetables and prompt/sequence cards as necessary, visual schedules, quiet work stations, areas of retreat, and pictorially labelled resources.
We endeavour to ensure that all classrooms are speech and language friendly including use of visual feedback, ‘chunking’ of instructions, use of ’10 second rule’ to allow processing time, pre-teaching of key vocabulary and display of key vocabulary on learning walls, use of sentence starters across the curriculum. Small group areas are available in both key stages to provide quiet work areas for 1:1 or small group work.
A 3 year accessibility plan is also in place with actions to improve access to curriculum materials for pupils and parents as well as improving the physical school environment (see school website under statutory information).
- What additional support for learning is available for children with SEN?
The School caters for children with SEND in many different ways.
Pastoral Support
We have two part time Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who are non-class based and support children individually and in small groups, both within and outside of the classroom.
There are a number of intervention programmes which the ELSA and other TAs implement linked to developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and enabling children to manage their emotions. All children across the school may access these programmes of intervention at different times should the need arise.
Children who have Special Educational needs can also access Wave 3 intervention programmes for English and Maths.
Sensory Room
We have a large sensory room in school which is available for all classes and pupils to use. Some of the ways it is used to support SEN pupils are: ELSA run relaxation and mindfulness groups, morning meet and greet sessions to support transition, specific timetabled slots for individuals with sensory processing disorders who require learning breaks. Multi-sensory learning environment to deliver some aspects of the National Curriculum in an engaging and motivating way.
Forest School
At Lyneham Primary, we believe that Forest School has much to offer all learners in their physical and emotional development, acquisition of skills and knowledge, and experience of our natural environment. It provides opportunities to develop interpersonal skills such as cooperation and empathy, personal characteristics like creativity, confidence and independence, and life skills including risk-taking, resilience and responsibility. Forest School sessions also enable children to acquire and practice fine and gross motor skills. The forest school setting is an ideal location to nurture relationships between individuals in an environment other than the classroom.
We are fortunate to have the use of Cowleaze Copse, also known locally as ‘Bluebell Wood’. The well-established, mixed deciduous woodland – with some mature trees around 230 years old - provides children with a myriad of opportunities and experiences which may be beyond their usual activities. This can help to address the increasing disconnect between children (and adults!) and their natural environment. In addition, over the last two years the school has invested in developing its own ‘Wild Area’, complete with a roundhouse. Coupled with the wider school grounds, these facilities provide a range of environments and habitats to explore and learn about. All children across the school have 1 term of weekly sessions either in the wild area or at Cowleaze Copse.
It is a provision that benefits all pupils but is frequently named as ‘a best bit of school’ or ‘my favourite place’ by pupils on the SEN register. It gives all children another environment in which to succeed beyond the classroom.
Outside Agency Support
There are a number of different services outlined below which the school is able to call upon who offer advice and support to manage a variety of SEND and ensure each child is able to achieve their potential.
- Behaviour Support Service
- Specialist SEN Service SSENS specialising in Physical and sensory needs, social communication difficulties, as well as difficulties with cognition and learning.
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- School Nurse- The school nurse trains staff annually in areas of epilepsy and the use of the epi-pen for children who have severe allergies. Training occurs to meet the needs of the children within the school.
- Social Care when appropriate
- Parent Support Advisor. – The Parent Support Advisor Terry Jones is usually available to meet with parents on Tuesdays and Fridays. She runs support workshops as well as working 1:1 with families.
- Looked after Children’s Service
- Educational Psychologist
- Paediatrician and other medical professionals linked to children’s individual needs
- Local GP’s linked to families
- Educational Welfare Officer
- Ethnic Minority Service.
- CAF co-ordinator. – This person co-ordinates the Common Assessment Frameworks which some children are supported through.
- CAMHS- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
- Early Help
Staffing, Training and Qualifications
The SENCO manages the provision for children with SEND across the school.
Mrs Lucy Golder is the SENCO working full time and is also the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Golder has a BA (hons) in Primary Education and a Certificate of Higher Education in Autism from the University of Birmingham. Mrs Golder has completed a NPQSL, a NPQH and is an Intensive Interaction co-ordinator. During her 18 years of working in Special Education she has completed Sign-a-long, PECS, TEACCH and AAC courses and has trained as a Team Teach trainer.
Training in SEN is continually updated to ensure new initiatives and research is put into place to benefit the children within the School. The school is a member of the National Association for SEN (NASEN)
There are currently 327 children on roll, which includes the Resource Base. We have 23 teaching assistants employed in school, providing a higher staff to pupil ratio which maximises learning potential for all our children; most are trained to deliver a number of intervention programmes throughout the school. Some TAs are deployed in classes to support named pupils and to work on a small group basis or to cover the class in order that the class teacher can provide 1:1 or small group support to pupils. Some TAs have specific out of class responsibilities e.g. Speech and Language, ELSA, Forest School or interventions.
We teach a differentiated curriculum to ensure that the needs of all children are met. We implement Wave 2 class provision maps/ AfL grids with specific ‘academic aspirations’. A number of intervention programmes are in place for children who require additional support.
There is regular professional development for all staff across the school, linked to a variety of aspects of SEND, including Dyslexia Friendly Schools, Deaf Awareness, Attachment difficulties and de-escalation strategies to help manage behaviour, ASD Awareness, Reading intervention, communication through symbols, Makaton and Identification of Speech and Language needs.
- How is the effectiveness of the provision for pupils with SEN evaluated?
There are termly pupil progress meetings with the class teachers, SENCo, core subject leader or Headteacher. The SENCo observes teaching and learning for SEN pupils and provides feedback to class teachers through the monitoring process. The SEND Report is presented to the Governing Body three times per year. There is a SEND Governor – Mrs Jane Ball. She visits the school and meets with the SENCo and staff as often as she is able. She jointly monitors SEN provision with the SENCo and has been involved with the writing of the SEN SEF, SEN Action Plan and School Improvement Action Plan.
- What activities are available for children with SEN in addition to those in accordance with the curriculum?
- All extra-curricular activities are available to all our children.
- School trips/ excursions take place in all year groups.
- Lunchtime Clubs – a selection of lunch times, available for all children.
- PIT STOP playtime and lunchtime club.
- What support is available for improving the emotional and social development of children with SEN?
- Specialist advice from the SSENs teacher for children with social communication/interaction difficulties.
- Specialist advice from our Educational Psychologist.
- Specialist advice from the Behaviour Support Service teacher.
- Specialist advice from colleagues at CAMHS.
- Specialist wellbeing support from the school nursing team.
- Trained ELSAs (non-class based) providing pastoral support 1:1 and group sessions.
- Areas designated for ‘quiet retreat’ within or outside many classrooms.
- Personalised behaviour support plans where necessary.
- PIT STOP Playtime/ Lunchtime club – 5x weekly at lunch times for children with social communication/ interaction issues or who may find unstructured times difficult.
- Forest School outdoor learning opportunities.
- Terry Jones (Parent Support Advisor) runs workshops for parents to teach strategies to support behavioural difficulties and anxiety. She also works directly with pupils and sometimes with parent and pupil partnerships.
- Coffee mornings for parents with guest speakers to support parents in areas they request to enable them to further support their children.
- What are the arrangements made by the Governing Body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of children with SEN concerning the provision made at school?
It is in everyone’s interests for complaints to be resolved as quickly and at as low a level as possible and our SEN complaint procedure is as follows:
The complaint is dealt with by the class teacher – the complainant needs to feel that they have been listened to and that all points raised have been addressed. If the matter remains unresolved, the complaint is dealt with by the SENCo or by a senior leader. If there is still no resolution, the Head teacher should become actively involved. If the matter is still not resolved, the complainant must put their complaint in writing to the Chair of Governors (the complaints procedure can be found on the school website). The Governing Body will deal with the matter through their agreed complaint resolution procedures. In the unlikely event that the matter is still not resolved, the parent can then take the complaint to the Local Authority.
- What is the name and contact details for the SENCo?
Our SENCo is Mrs Lucy Golder (contactable via the school office 01249 890413 ) who works full time and is also the Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Where is the Local Authority’s Local Offer published?
The Children and Families Bill became law in June 2014. From this date, Local Authorities are required to publish, and keep under review, information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’. The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. The Wiltshire Local Offer can be found on the website:
For any queries about Wiltshire’s SEND Service or to speak to a member of the SEND Team about a child's needs, you can contact the duty SEND lead worker on 0300 456 0108.
This information report will be updated regularly in line with new legislation and initiatives both county and nationwide.
Wiltshire SEND Information + Advice + Support Service